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A Pro Organizer's Guide: Spring Cleaning Tasks You May Be Overlooking

Of course decluttering is a part of spring cleaning!

As a professional organizer, I love the opportunity spring brings for a fresh start in our homes. Naturally, decluttering tops the ways in which you can breathe new life into your home (and yourself). I can’t think of a better way to spring into this new season than sharing some tips about some easy decluttering projects, plus some often forgotten cleaning tasks that can take your spring clean to the next level. 

Decluttering Musts.

If any space needs some serious attention, I recommend a full-on reorganization. But if you don’t have time for that, here are some suggestions for smaller projects that will still have an impact. (And find a Professional Organizer to help tackle the bigger projects!)

Pantry and fridge - toss expired foods and wipe up any messes.

Closets and dressers - look for items that don’t fit, are worn out, or you just don’t like anymore, and donate or recycle them

Medicine cabinet - go through your medications and first aid supplies and get rid of anything that’s expired.

“Junk” Drawer - get rid of anything that’s junk!

Purse and/or Wallet - take everything out and put back only what you need!

Car - clean out any trash. Go through the console, glovebox, and any other areas that collect stuff and get rid of what you don’t need.

Cleaning projects that go beyond the baseboards and windows.

De-lint your dryer vent. This one is important because not doing it regularly can leave you more susceptible to house fires. See Architectural Digest’s guide to DIY here.

Speaking of vents, give the vent at the bottom of your fridge a vacuum. While you're there, roll out the fridge and vacuum and dust behind it.

And…vacuum your air returns. (Change the filters too, but that should be done monthly!)

Clean your oven, microwave, and toaster oven inside and out!

Speaking of appliances, run a clean cycle on your washing machine and dishwasher. Wipe around any gaskets, and clean the doors and detergent dispensers.

Vacuum crumbs out of your kitchen drawers and cabinets.

Flip or turn mattresses. Sprinkle them with baking soda and let sit as long as possible before vacuuming the mattress. Wash all bedding, including mattress pads, comforters, and pillows.

Wash any throw blankets.

Take all of your trash cans outside and wash them with dish soap and a scrub brush. Hose off and wipe down, or if it’s a nice day, let them air dry.

Wash all of your winter coats and accessories before you store them.

You’re supposed to do this frequently, but it’s something I don’t stay on top of…makeup brushes! Wash them and lay them out to dry. This is my favorite product for washing.

Give your grill a good cleaning to get it ready for grilling season.

Whether you get to all of these tasks or just a few, kick back and give yourself a pat on the back! What's the point in having an organized and clean home if you can't enjoy it?!

*As an Amazon Associate, I make a small commission on items purchased through Amazon links.

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